Sunday 2 July 2017

Rolo Cookies

Rolo Cookies - Little House Kitchen
Rolo Cookies - Little House Kitchen
Rolo Cookies - Little House Kitchen
Rolo Cookies - Little House Kitchen
Rolos, Rolos, Rolos everywhere. I just can't help but bake with them, as you can see from my recent recipes for Rolo cupcakes and Rolo blondies. It's just something about the soft caramel centre and chocolate coating that makes me do it.

I used my trusty cookie recipe to make these gooey Rolo cookies. What makes these even more gooey is that the caramel melts out of the Rolos and drips onto the cookie dough. Now doesn't that just sound delicious?

Have I sold it to you yet?

Don't forget to check out my Maltesers cookie bars as this recipe can easily be turned into Rolo cookie bars.

Rolo Cookies 

(Makes 22) 
125g Butter
225g Caster Sugar
1 Egg
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
300g Self - Raising Flour
1/2 Tsp Salt
250g Rolos

Put the Rolos in a bag and place in the freezer.

Preheat the oven to 180℃, Gas mark 4. Line a large baking tray with grease proof paper.

Cream together the butter the sugar until light and fluffy. Add in the egg and vanilla extract and whisk together. Sift in the flour and salt and mix together until well incorporated and stiff.

Roll into small balls, just a little smaller than a golf ball and place on the tray. Place two frozen Rolos on to each cookie, patting them down in place.

Make sure that you leave two inches between each cookie as they will spread when cooking. You will also need to do this in two batches.

Place in the oven for 9 minutes to achieve gooey, soft perfection. Once cooked leave in the tray for two minutes and then transfer onto a cooling rack.


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