Wednesday 27 January 2016

Tropical Granola | #Breakfast Week

When I found out it was breakfast week this week I automatically knew what I wanted to make. Granola. The idea has been floating around in my head for a while so this gave me the perfect opportunity to have a go and make my own. I love this type of cereal in the mornings as it makes me feel fuller for longer and gives me that boost of energy I need before work. It really is that old age saying of breakfast is the most important meal of the day! When it comes to flavours, there is no limit. Granola comes in all shapes and sizes, flavours and combinations so go with what your body is telling you. For me, it was tropical flavours. I have been loving tropical smoothies at the mo and wanted to replicate the flavours, plus it's so damn gross outside I need something to take me to a sunnier place!

If you're not into tropical flavours replace the dried fruit used with one's of your choice, the same with the nuts. Also, you can add seeds to the mixture. I like to have my granola just with milk or with some plain or vanilla yogurt and some fresh fruit. How do you take yours?

Tropical Granola 
(8 Portions)

225g Rolled Oats
75ml Sunflower Oil
100ml Golden Syrup or Runny Honey
35g Flaked Almonds
35g Chopped Hazelnuts
35g Dried Pineapple Pieces
35g Dried Mango Pieces
15g Dessicated Coconut
30g Dark Chocolate, chopped into small chunks

Preheat the oven to 180C, Gas Mark 4. Line a large baking tray with greaseproof paper.

Place the oats and nuts into a large mixing bowl and mix together. Add in the dessicated coconut and mix again.

In a jug, measure out the oil and then pour into the oats. With the same jug measure out the golden syrup/honey and pour into the oats. Mix together until all the oats are coated in the syrup and oil. Pour out into the prepared baking tray and even out. Place in the oven for seven minutes, stir with a fork to avoid sticking and place back into the oven for a further seven minutes. Stir again and then add in the dried fruit, place in the oven for a further six minutes.

Take out of the oven and leave to cool for 10 minutes in the tray and then pour into a bowl to cool completely before adding in the dark chocolate. Transfer into a air tight container - this can keep up to one month.


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