Friday 27 May 2016

May DegustaBox Review

It's a new month (well has been for the last three weeks) which means it's DegustaBox time! My third box arrived through the door and I was straight in there, eager to see what was inside. This months box is full of healthy snacks and a few hidden gems...

1. Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey BBQ Glaze £1.99 
This BBQ sauce is infused with Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey liquor, giving it a hint of honey and a smooth flavour. It can be used to marinate ribs or any other type of meat, or can even be used as a dip. I think it will be perfect for BBQ's when the sun actually stays out for more than one day. I'm not a huge fan of BBQ sauce, but I'm going to give it a go and if it doesn't tickle my pickle, Jake will love it. 

2. Garofalo Fusilli £1.99
Who doesn't love pasta? There isn't much to be said here, other than I love pasta and I look forward to making a yummy tomato based sauce to place on top of this Fusilli.

3. Cranes Cranberry Cider 2 x £1.90
A alcoholic drink that is 100% natural, high in juice and low in calories (only 99 calories), surely not? Cranes is a 4% alcoholic drink that is brewed purely from crushed cranberries, with added fruit juice for extra flavour. It comes in three different flavours, original cranberry, raspberry and pomegranate and strawberry and kiwi! I'm sipping on the raspberry and pomegranate one as I type and its pretty darn good, kind of reminds me of fromage frias.

4. Kallo Milk Chocolate Corn Cakes £1.29
Kallo have made another appearance in the Degustabox and this time in the form of milk chocolate corn cakes. At only 78 calories per cake, snacking can be enjoyed without feeling guilty! A great alternative to a chocolate bar when you have chocolate cravings, especially at the office.

Kallo Yogurt Coated Rice Cakes £1.69
Like the corn cakes, these are great for an alternative healthy snack when you have a sweet craving, as they are only 84 calories per cake. They come in easy on the go packs so you can snack anywhere you want.

5. Brioche Pasquier Butter Croissants £1.80
There is nothing I love more than a warm croissant oozing with butter on a morning, so when I saw these I did a little squeal inside. They come wrapped in two's which is great as they stay fresher for longer and again can be enjoyed on the go. No doubt these will be gone by the end of the week!

6. Get Fruity Oat Bar £1.00
This Get Fruity bar is Gluten free making it suitable for both vegetarians and vegans. It is 100% natural and has won awards for being authentically fruity. It comes in six different flavours, I was given apricot, orange and ginger.

7. Beloved Dates Nectar £3.50
Another alternative to honey has hit the market and this time its in the form of dates! It is gluten, wheat and dairy free and is made from 100% pure dates, and nothing else. Oh and it's also suitable for vegans. I can't wait to give this a try on top of my porridge as it offers a sweet caramel taste, which would be great instead of my usual lashings of brown sugar... Also, it can be used in baking so I'm thinking of making a sticky toffee pudding with it to see how it fares.

8. The Wonderful Company Almonds £0.90, The Wonderful Company Pistachios £0.90
I love eating nuts throughout the day as it keeps me going and stops me binging on all things unhealthy and these little packets will be great to chuck in my bag so I can much throughout the day. A great natural source of protein and fibre.

9. Pechkeks Fortune Cookies 2 x £1.00
The best thing in this months box for sure are these misfortune cookies from Pechkeks. Like it says on the tin, you are not going to get a hopeful fortune in here, the messages are crude and very direct - a glimpse into the future, brutally honest and pessimistic. I was a little weirded out when I opened the first one and it said 'Today is a good day to get totally utterly drenched' as it was absolutely chucking it down outside.. spooky.

10. Pomegreat Juice £1.49
I am not a straight up pomegranate lover. I think it smells like cheese when you open a pomegranate juice... So, i'll be giving this to Jake as he loves the stuff. The pomegranates in this juice are grown in California and only the best ruby red ones are chosen to create a juice bursting with flavour.

This months box was worth £22.32! 


  1. I've only been getting the boxes since January and think this was the best of the lot (even if I do feel the same way about pomegranate juice as you do!). LOVED the Cranes!

    1. This is my third box and I can't believe I didn't do it sooner! Yeah me and pomegranate juice don't see eye to eye haha! Xx


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