Thursday 27 October 2016

Little House Kitchen

I have done it. 

At the start of the year I had big plans to revamp my blog and change my brand. Well, as November creeps in and as we near the end of the year, I have done exactly that! 

Welcome to Little House Kitchen. A place where I share recipes, hints and tips, reviews and the occasional lifestyle post. I want to grow and expand my space on the internet and I hope that you grow with me too. 

If you are new here then you will have no idea what I am on about. So let's go back two years ago when I started Tea and Toast, a place to share my passion and love for food, especially baked goods. What started out as a place to share my favourite recipes grew to so much more and with that I decided it was time to give my blog a wee make over. 

And so here we are. Little House Kitchen. All my recipes and all the good stuff that was on Tea and Toast is still here, so fear not, you can still find everything. 

I hope you love the new look just as much as I do. I'm so proud of how it looks now and I cant wait for my foodie journey to continue and grow!  

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