Sunday 12 February 2017

This weeks loves 12.02.

Wow it's been a while since I've wrote one of these and it kinda feels great to be sitting down and thinking about the things I have been loving this week. It's been a little bit of a draining week if I'm honest. The dreaded cold has caught up with me - I blame Jake - and it has really taken the energy out of me. In between working from home and being in the office, I've literally binged watched so many series this week and one of those is the new Netflix series Santa Clarita Diet staring Drew Barrymore. If you've not watched it yet then I wont spoil it for you but honestly it is so good! There hasn't been one episode where I haven't laughed and normally zombie films/series aren't my thing (sorry Walking Dead fans).

Something else I've been digging this week is Amy Schumer's auto biography - The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo. Her stories are comical (ovbs) and actually very profound. She writes about things that are actually really tough, like her dad shitting himself in a way that doesn't make it sound like a big deal? Also, she looks back at her diary extracts at different ages and it really reminds me of when I look back at mine and think 'why on earth did I do that?'.

A foodie thing I've been loving this week is McVitie's Digestive thins. They are soo good! I've only tried the milk chocolate version but I think they will be my go to when I fancy a digestive. I don't know what it is about them but they are crisp and have that snap to them when you break them in half.

Make up is one of my weaknesses and after yearning for a long time I finally subscribed to a make up subscription box. I went with BirchBox and this week the February box turned up at my door. The box was filled with five products from a range of different brands all of which I have never tried before. I think it's great that I get to try out new products without paying full price for them first.

That is pretty much everything I've been loving this week - what I am not loving though is coughing every two minutes and I'm pretty sure everyone in the office ins't loving it either.

Till next week xx

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