Friday 8 January 2016

Best Bakes of 2015

Hello lovely people, I was looking through pictures on my laptop and having a bit of a clear out when I thought it would be nice to look back on some of my favourite bakes from last year and share them with you guys. It was a good year last year as I explored bigger flavours and was able to concentrate more on baking once uni was over! So sit back and reminisce with me as I look back on what was a fattening year.

Apple Struesal Cake
I loved making this cake as it reminded me so much of Autumn and the start to my most favourite time of the year. Cinnamon and apple work so well together and this cake was so moist from the apples yet had that crunch that one desires from the struesal topping. I adore the photography here too as you can see the layers of apple inside.

Ferrero Rocher Cupcakes 
This was a recent bake of mine and it went down a treat. It's something of sentimental value to me as I baked them for Jake's mums birthday as well as using the same recipe for cupcakes that I baked for his mum's wedding too. If you read my blog regularly then you will be no stranger to the fact I love Nutella and all things chocolate and hazelnut related so these really are the ultimate delight. 

Smoky Tomato Soup
In the last few months of the year I lived off soup, fresh and tinned I'm not fussy I just love it. Though, I am not very adventurous and only stick to tomato.. boring I know. I love any type of tomato though so I went about making my own. I made this deep smoky soup which paprika and balsamic vinegar and topped it off with smoky bacon croutons. 

Home Made Chips 
Comfort food at it's best, skin on chips covered in sea salt dipped in tomato ketchup. I say no more. 

Peach Melba Meringue
Like Nutella I go slightly weak at the knees for anything peach related. I had an obsession with peach ice tea in the summer that kind of got out of control. I love meringue and this was my take on the classic peach melba, with home made raspberry coulis and scattered raspberry and peaches it was the perfect summer treat. 

Easter Crunch
This again is a little piece of nostalgia from my childhood. I would make these with my nan at Easter and lick the chocolate cornflakes left in the bowl. They are really fun to make and I added some marshmallows for extra gooey sweetness, not forgetting the mini eggs. 

What was your favourite thing you baked last year? 


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