Wednesday 16 March 2016

Golden Egg Cupcakes

Tea and Toast Golden Egg Cupcakes
Tea and Toast Golden Egg Cupcakes
I have to give myself a pat on the back for these next two posts because I have had these chocolates stashed away for a little while now and the temptation to eat them was getting silly. Oh and checking my drawer to make sure Jake didn't eat them because trust me any goodies I have you can guarantee he will know about it and he will eat it! Golden Eggs are the latest Easter treat from Galaxy and yes they are delicious, but then again what chocolate isn't? So my theme was to create a Jack and the bean stalk golden egg scenario, with the golden egg being in the clouds. I'm not sure if you would be able to tell that just by looking at them, but now you know...

I flavoured them with lemon so they are light and fluffy and perfect for spring. There is hidden lemon curd inside also for a little Easter surprise. One last thing, can we just take a moment to appreciate how yellow everything is, it reminds me of daffodils and that pleases me greatly. I'd love to know if you have tried these eggs and what makes you happy about Spring?

Golden Egg Cupcakes
(Makes 8) 

115g Butter
115g Caster Sugar
2 Eggs
115g Self Raising Flour
4 Tbsp Milk
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
Zest of One Lemon

50g Lemon Curd
250g Ready Made Vanilla Frosting
Yellow Food Gel (Colouring)
1 Packet of Galaxy Golden Eggs

Preheat the oven to 170C, Gas Mark 5. Line a cupcake tin with 8 cases.

In a large mixing bowl place all of the cupcake ingredients inside and whisk together using an electric hand mixer until smooth. This should take around 3/4 minutes.

Equally distribute the mixture between the cupcake cases, filling them three quarters of the way full. Place in the oven for 18 minutes until golden brown or if a skewer comes out clean. Leave to cool in the tin for 5 minutes before transferring onto a cooling rack and leave to cool completely.

Once cooled, using a cupcake corer or an apple corer take out the middle section of the cupcake so you are left with a hole in the middle to fill with lemon curd. Do not throw the cupcake centres away as you will need to place these back inside once filled.

In a disposable piping bag place the lemon curd inside and snip the end of the bag. Squeeze inside each cupcake in the hole you have made, giving them a lemon curd centre. Then place the cupcake centre back on top so the hole is covered.

Attach a large round piping nozzle inside a piping bag. Using a paint brush paint two strips of yellow food gel or colouring along the side of the piping bag, then carefully place the frosting inside. Discard the first bit of frosting until you see the yellow appear on the sides then in the centre of each cupcake pipe a large circle of frosting on top. Place a golden egg on top of the frosting.

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