Friday 11 March 2016

Fruit Loaf

Fruit Loaf
Tea and Toast Fruit Loaf
Tea and Toast Fruit Loaf
 Hello lovely people! I'm back with another fruity treat for you, only this time it's a classic fruit loaf. I love fruit loaf because it's an alternative to hot cross buns, when they're not in stores, and I LOVE hot cross buns! I mean if you don't, then we can't be friends. Of course, you have to have this toasted with a healthy spreading of butter as there is no better way to enjoy it, watching the butter slowly ooze into the dough. Excuse me whilst I wipe the drool away from my mouth...

If your a novice bread maker like me then the fear of the yeast not working terrifies you. However, this recipe is so quick and easy that those fears soon run away. As long as you have the milk warm enough to activate the yeast and leave it in a warm dry place to prove then I promise you that nothing will go wrong!

Fruit Loaf
450g Strong White Flour
2 x 7g Sachet of Fast Action Yeast
50g Golden Caster Sugar
150ml Warm Milk
1 Egg
50g Melted Butter
1 1/2 Tsp Cinnamon
Zest and Juice of One Orange
150g Mixed Dried Fruit

Soak the dried fruit in the orange juice for 20 minutes, then drain off and coat in a little flour.

Lightly dust two 1lb loaf tins.

Put the flour, yeast, a pinch of salt, spices, sugar and fruit (with orange juice) into a large mixing bowl. Make a well in the centre and pour in the milk, butter, egg and orange zest. Mix everything together to form a dough.

Knead the dough on a floured surface until the dough becomes smooth and springy. Place into a clean lightly greased bowl and cover with a damp tea towel. Leave in a warm place to rise and double in size, this should take about one hour.

Preheat the oven to 160C, Gas Mark 4.

Knock the dough back by kneading it for a few seconds. Halve the dough into two equal pieces and mould into each half into a smooth oval, then pop them into the prepared loaf tins. Cover them both with a damp tea towel and leave to prove for around 20 minutes.

Bake for around 20 minutes, then cool in the tins before slicing.


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