Wednesday 9 March 2016

Bakery Classes

 Big thanks to my Grandad for this beautiful pictures 

We’re slowly but surely approaching the end of the long winter months and I don’t know about you, but I’m certainly looking forward to Easter and the warmer days ahead. As for the days that perhaps aren’t so warm, there is always baking to keep us happy. Spring tends to creep up on us, one moment we’re trapped in the gloomy pits of winter to then suddenly find ourselves one morning sipping coffee looking onto a garden full of colourful wild flowers. It can feel like a lifetime since you felt the suns warmth on your winter skin. The beauty of spring is that it has no real official begging or end, it’s a case of just embracing the colourful sunny days as they come and go. So it’s important you have a handful of spring themed bakes in your back pocket to keep your tummy happy.I’ve been doing my research and I am so excited to share with you my top tips for a tasty spring! January detox season is over, it’s now all about hot cross buns, chocolate eggs and delicious citrus cakes. I’ve put together three of the best baking classes to join in the UK, I’ve heard far too many people say they are simply ‘scared’ or ‘’not good’ enough to bake, it’s time to knock down those barriers and allow yourself to become a baking pro in a fun filled way.

London based Biscuiteers offer the most adorable bespoke biscuits for pretty much every occasion. I’m certainly going to book myself in with some friends and scratch up on my biscuit icing skills, I can confirm it’s an art that needs a lot of practise. Biscuiteers designs are so intricate and unique I’m head over heels in love. Their Easter gift ideas have fuelled my imagination and certainly got my creative juices flowing. They offer weekly icing classes where you can learn the ropes of biscuit making and icing, perfect for a girly Saturday in the big city or for those looking for hen party and possibly alternative baby shower options this looks perfect. You will go home with your own beautiful tin filled with delicious personalised biscuits, yummy. For me Easter is all about celebrating colour, especially pastels, a basket full of pastel coloured biscuits is all my Easter dreams in one. It’s time to look further than the chocolate egg for other fun attractive Easter treats.

Hobbs House Bakery 
For those of you looking for something more substantial to fill all of your carb dreams, the guys at Hobbs House Bakery offer an array of different baking and cooking courses from cakes and pastries to bread making, butchery and kids cooking. They have two children’s bakery lessons running for children throughout the Easter holidays, one bread making and one for cakes, what a lovely alternative choice for a kid’s day out. Thanks to the Great British bake off we’ve all got the baking bug, it’s time to be proactive and learn the tricks of the trade from a professional. As fun as it can be experimenting in the comfort of your own home there is nothing quite like learning from a professional. One baking lesson could give you the confidence you need to attempt more lavish bakes in your own home. I know too many people who are simply scared of baking because it involves too many processes and risks of going wrong. Follow the few fundamental basic steps and you’re sure to create something absolutely delicious!

Little Salkeld Watermill
In the heart of the English countryside lives the Little Salkeld Watermill, the most adorable quaint answer to all your baking desires. The watermill offers a day out for the whole family with tea rooms, beautiful surrounding countryside and bread making courses. They pride themselves on being totally organic using only biodynamic stoneground flour. You can indulge in the bread making courses and sample your culinary skills or simply just go to enjoy the surroundings and take home lots of baking goodies to add to your own growing collection. Their mill shop supplies organic flours, herbs and spices. Perfect for your Easter spiced buns.

Easter is full of beautiful colour and zesty citrus tonnes, allow yourself to experiment and incorporate these colours and flavours into your baking. If you feel you have the baking bug but not quite gained the confidence to do much with it, a baking lesson can only do good. It may just be the first step of your growing baking hobby. For those of you who have little ones to keep busy throughout the Easter holidays, cornflake cakes are fun and delicious I agree but maybe this year a baking lessons will be the mini egg on the cake! Happy baking!

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