Wednesday 18 May 2016

Classic Marshmallows

Pink and white marshmallows are simple yet elegant. Toasted, they are even better. If like me, you've never worked with sugar syrup before then I would say that these are the perfect recipe to introduce you to the world of hot sugary syrups. All you need is a good sugar thermometer and you're pretty much set to go. These marshmallows are light and fluffy with just the right amount of sweetness coming from the vanilla extract. Of course, when making classic marshmallows only pink and white will do, so you just need a good pink food gel or colouring to get that gorgeous baby pink colour that we all know and love!


(Makes 30) 
1 Tbsp Icing Sugar
1 Tbsp Cornflour 
2 Tbsp Powdered Gelatine 
400g Granulated Sugar
50g Golden Syrup 
2 Large Egg whites
Pinch of Salt
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract 
Pink Food Gel/Colouring 

Mix the icing sugar and cornflour in a small bowl. Lightly grease a 23cm square tin with a little sunflower oil and dust with the icing sugar and cornflour mix, tipping out the excess. 

Place six tablespoons of cold water into a small bowl and add in the powdered gelatine, set aside to set. 

Put the granulated sugar into a medium sized pan and add in 250ml water. Add in the golden syrup and place the pan over a medium heat until the sugar has dissolved. Bring the mixture to the boil and continue to cook steadily until the syrup reaches 120C/250F on a sugar thermometer. Remove from the heat and add in the gelatine, stir until combined and the gelatine has melted. 

Place the egg whites in a bowl of an electric whisk, add in the pinch of salt and whisk until the whites hold a stiff peak. Add in the vanilla and hot syrup in a steady stream and continue to whisk for 10 minutes, until the mixture holds a ribbon trail when the beaters are lifted form the bowl. 

Pour half the mixture into the prepared tin in an even layer. Add a tiny amount of food colouring to the remaining mixture and whisk for three minutes on a high speed. Pour the pink marshmallow over the white and leave to set overnight. 

Once the marshmallow has completely set, dust the work surface or a board with the remaining icing sugar and cornflour mixture. Carefully tip the marshmallow out and cut into squares, using a sharp knife. 

Store in an airtight box for up to three days. 


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