Monday 2 May 2016

This Weeks Loves 1/5/16

I guess I should start off by saying, this is a little late. But, I have been ill for the past three days and have literally sat and watched films in bed, tissue in one hand soothers in the other. Today is the first day that I felt I could actually get my shit together and get out of bed, to become some sort of fully functioning human. So lets start at the bottom right, these have been my savours for the last few days, I hate gross tasting medicine so lemon and honey cough syrup is my only hope. Like all colds, it started with a sore throat and for me thats the worse part of getting ill! I hate it. So Halls Soothers are a must, we have become best friends in such a short space of time but I won't miss them when this cold goes.

On Saturday I went to Bristol Food Connections, a food festival full of great things to do and taste. Despite my cold, I had booked the day off work and I wasn't going to let it stop me from going. So fully dossed up on cold and flu and pocket filled with soothers me and Jake set off for the producers market. I was in baked good heaven. I came back with bread, brownies, flapjacks and a raspberry and white chocolate danish. My god. It was amazing! Raspberry danish is one of my all time favourite pastries but you can't really get it in supermarket bakeries these days. Sob. When I saw this beast of a danish from Winnies, costing only a pound it was an immediate yes I want this. Im just sad that I only got one!

In my Degustabox this month were the Popchips. With half the bag gone in one sitting, with help from my sister, I am for sure going to be putting another packet in my basket next time I am food shopping.

My final love of the week is this picture of my cat Rosie. I was leaving the bed at 7.30AM to get ready for work and when I turned around and saw her like this, well it just melted my heart and made my desire to get back into bed far worse than it should of been.

One thing that didn't sit right with me and got me thinking a lot in the week was a programme about the fur/animal skin trade. The programme was on BBC One, I think, and was called 'Inside the billionaires wardrobe' I tuned in as they were talking about the fur trade. Seeing all those animals in tiny cages, just pacing up and down clearly in distress was heart breaking and something I had never given much thought about until I saw it. Fur farms crammed with animals in cages waiting to be killed off for their skin ... And it made me think, is faux fur the gate way to wearing real fur? I have faux fur on my parker and a key ring ball (followed the trend) attached to my bag. I would never wear real fur, but am I supporting it by wearing faux items? What's your thoughts?

Here's hoping for an ill free week ahead!


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