Monday 9 May 2016

This Weeks Loves 8/5/16

I have still been suffering with a cold this week so I haven't got anything that I have really been loving, as I have mainly been in bed or at work so I haven't really ate/done anything thats share worthy. However, I do have exciting news to tell! I will get on to that a little later, first I want to share with you a few snaps from my day out to Slimbridge Wetland Centre. On Sunday with the sun shining, okay one thing I did love this week was the warmer weather, I and my sister went on a day trip to Slimbridge, a wetland and conservation centre for birds. We got close to many of the birds like swans and geese and were able to feed them, a little scary I may add! Especially when you have three swans following you at pace! 

And now for my news. I have a new job! I don't really talk about work on here mainly because its not interesting, from now until I start my new job I work in Waitrose in the cafe, serving drinks and all that jazz. I told you, not very exciting. Although, my cappuccino game is strong and I can make a heart and a flower on a latte. Proud barista moments. So my new job, wait for it I have a fancy new title, I will be a social media executive for a marketing agency! After nearly a year of finishing uni I finally have a job that is relevant to my degree and something that I actually want to do. And, it feels great. Honestly, I couldn't stop smiling when I got the phone call, imagine going in for the interview at 9am and being told at 12pm you have the job. 100 happy points.

Keep smiling, see you next week xx


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