Wednesday 22 June 2016

Custard Cream Cupcakes

I have never been a biscuit dunking tea person. I take the less traditional route of dipping a fudge bar or a Twix in mine, however I am partial to a good old dunk of a Custard Cream. Being the only biscuit that I eat, it's only natural to turn it into a cupcake. And that's exactly what I did. I used custard powder in the cupcake mix, along with vanilla extract to give it that custard flavour we all know and love. I also added custard powder to the frosting and topped it off with a Custard Cream biscuit. Word to the wise, accompanies a cuppa just fine.

I made 24 mini ones, however this will make 12 regular sized cupcakes. 

Custard Cream Cupcakes
(Makes 24 mini cupcakes)
180g Self raising flour
180g Caster sugar 
50g Custard Powder
180g Butter 
1/2 Tsp Bicarbonate of soda 
3 Eggs 
2 Tbsp Milk 
1/2 Tsp Vanilla extract 

150g Butter
30g Custard Powder
225g Icing Sugar 
1/4 Tsp Vanilla Extract

12 Custard Cream Biscuits, halved.

Preheat the oven to 170C, Gas Mark 5. Line two cupcake tins with 24 mini cupcake cases.

In a large mixing bowl place all of the cupcake ingredients inside and whisk together using an electric hand mixer until smooth. This should take around 3/4 minutes.

Equally distribute the mixture between the cupcake cases, filling them three quarters of the way full. Place in the oven for 12 minutes until golden brown or if a skewer comes out clean. Leave to cool in the tin for 5 minutes before transferring onto a cooling rack and leave to cool completely.

To make the icing, place the butter in a large mixing bowl, using an electric whisk beat until light and fluffy. Add in the icing sugar, custard powder and vanilla extract and whisk on a low speed until it starts to come together and then put the whisk on a medium speed until the frosting turns light and fluffy, this will take around five minutes.

Place the frosting in a piping bag with a large star nozzle attached. Once the cupcakes are cooled, take the frosting and press down in the middle of the cupcake and then pull up to create a large gem like shape. (Think of iced gems.)

To finish of the cupcake place half a Custard Cream on top of the frosting.


  1. These cupcakes are so cute, you gotta love a custard cream biscuit and a brew. Delightful

    1. You do, nothing beats it! Thank you for your kinds words :) xx


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