Wednesday 15 June 2016

White Chocolate and Raspberry Cookies

Raspberry and white chocolate is one of my all time favourite flavour combinations and putting it inside a cookie is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I know it's not a new concept, I often buy these from the bakery sections in supermarkets, however nothing beats a home made warm soft, gooey cookie straight out of the oven. I can't tell you why I love this combination so much, I just think the flavours work so well together with the bitterness of the raspberries cut short by the creamy white chocolate. It also reminds me of summer and that's always a plus. Mums garden...

Is bursting with raspberries and strawberries in the summer months, so it's ideal for summer puddings and bakes. Although, the new chickens have taken a fancy to them this year, so who knows what will be left by picking time.I used frozen raspberries for this as I had a big bag froze from last year, also they keep their shape whilst cooking. I also froze the white chocolate drops, as again they keep their shape whilst cooking and do not melt into the cookie.

White chocolate and raspberry cookies 
(Makes 22) 

125g Butter
225g Caster Sugar
1 Egg
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
300g Self - Raising Flour
1/2 Tsp Salt
50g White Chocolate Drops
50g Frozen Raspberries

Put the white chocolate drops in a bag and place in the freezer for one hour before using them.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C, Gas mark 4. Line a large baking tray with grease proof paper.

Cream together the butter and sugar. Add in the egg and vanilla extract and whisk together. Sift in the flour, salt and mix together until well incorporated and stiff.

Roll into small balls, just a little smaller than a golf ball and place on the tray. Then take the white chocolate drops out of the freezer and sprinkle around 4/5 over each cookie, patting them down in place. Then place around three frozen raspberries on each cookie, again pat them down in place. Make sure that you leave two inches between each cookie as they will spread when cooking. You will also need to do this in two batches.

Place in the oven for 9 minutes to achieve gooey, soft perfection. Once cooked leave in the tray for two minutes and then transfer onto a cooling rack to cool, or eat warm because it's pure perfection!

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