Wednesday 13 July 2016

Lemon and White Chocolate Flapjacks

A flapjack is many things to me. It's my go to when I'm in the mood for something sweet, it's also one of the first things I learnt to bake and most importantly it's quick, easy and totally fool proof. There are a few things a good flapjack has to be, and for me, it has to be soft and gooey and that means one thing and one thing only. Golden syrup. Without fail, golden syrup is the only way to get that soft gooey texture that you want and need in a flapjack. As good as flapjacks are on their own, they are also very versatile and can be matched with a number of flavour creations - cherry bakewell is one of my faves. 

Adding a little lemon zest to the flapjack mixture is a great way of adding flavour, without being to adventurous. It works perfectly with the white chocolate and, if you have followed me for a while you'll know how much I love those two flavours together. Even with the white chocolate on top, the lemon cuts through the sweetness of the flapjack and gives it a little bitterness, like a sweet and sour effect. What your left with is a gooey,citrus, white chocolate flapjack. And that my friends is perfection. 

Lemon and White Chocolate Flapjacks
(10 bars, 24 mini squares) 
300g Porridge Oats
175g Butter
150g Soft Brown Sugar
2 Tbsp Golden Syrup
Zest of One Lemon

100g White Chocolate, melted 
1/2 Tsp Lemon Juice 

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees/Gas mark 4. 

Place all the flapjack ingredients in a food processor and pulse until fully mixed, be careful not to over mix so the oats keep their texture.

Lightly grease and line a 20cm/8inch baking tin and spoon in the mixture. Using the back of a spoon press into the corners so the mixture is flat. Place in the oven and bake for around 18-20 minutes or until golden brown.
Once cooked leave in the tin and leave to cool completely. 

Add in the lemon juice to the melted white chocolate and mix together, then pour the chocolate mixture onto the top of the flapjack and spread equally. 

Place in the fridge for 30 minutes to allow the chocolate to set. 

Once set, cut into small bars or little flapjack squares. 

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