Friday 9 December 2016

Vanilla Christmas Cupcakes

Sometimes the simplest things have most effect and this can certainly be said for these vanilla cupcakes. All you need is some food colouring, Christmas themed cupcake cases and some cupcake toppers are you can create a stunning cupcake with little effort. I just used a plain vanilla cupcake but this will work with any flavour you wish. I also cheated and used pre made frosting because sometimes you don't have time to whip some of your own up and it is Christmas after all so any short cuts are always a bonus!

Vanilla Cupcakes
(Makes 12)

125g Self raising flour 
125g Caster sugar 
125g Butter 
1/4 Tsp Bicarbonate of soda 
2 Eggs 
1/2 Tbsp Milk 
1/4 Tsp Vanilla extract 

1 400g Tub Vanilla Frosting
Red and Green Food Gel 

Preheat the oven to 170C, Gas Mark 5. Line a cupcake tin with 12 cases.

In a large mixing bowl place all of the cupcake ingredients inside and whisk together using an electric hand mixer until smooth. This should take around 3/4 minutes.

Equally distribute the mixture between the cupcake cases, filling them three quarters of the way full.

Place in the oven for 18 minutes until golden brown or if a skewer comes out clean. Leave to cool in the tin for 5 minutes before transferring onto a cooling rack and leave to cool completely.

Attach a wilton 2D piping nozzle inside a piping bag.

Using a paint brush, paint two strips of each food gel or colouring along the side of the piping bag, then carefully place the frosting inside.

Discard the first bit of frosting until you see the food colouring appear on the sides then place the piping nozzle in the centre of the cupcake, squeeze down and then swirl around until all the cupcake is covered, pulling away gently. This will create a pretty rose effect with the colouring rippling in-between the frosting.

Place a cupcake topper on top of the frosting before it starts to set.

If you would like to get your hands on some cupcake toppers use my discount code LITTLEHOUSE10 and you'll receive 10% of your first order.

*I was sent the cupcake toppers for review, you can find it here. All opinions are my own. 


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