Wednesday 14 December 2016

Cookie Jars | Christmas Gift

If you're looking for a fairly inexpensive present to give someone this Christmas then why not make a cookie jar? What's great about a cookie jar is that you can personalise it to suit your recipients tastes by placing their favourite chocolate or ingredient inside. You can use an old coffee jar or sauce jar for this, as long as it is big enough to fit the ingredients inside. Alternatively you can pop to IKEA or any other home store and grab one for around £1.50 - £2.00. These cookie jars would make a great gift for a foodie or an avid baker.

You Will Need: 
Glass Jar - size depends on recipe you are using.
Small Card
Mini Baubles, or decorations of your choice.

Ingredients depends on which recipe you will be using, for my Ferrero Rocher recipe click here. Or for any of my other cookie recipes click here. Alternatively, you can use any recipe you like just make sure you have a big enough size jar for all of the dry ingredients.

Cookie Jars

1. Weigh out all of the dry ingredients into separate bowls.

2. Add each ingredient to the jar in stages, so start with the sugar then the flour and so on, so that you get distinct layers inside of the jar.

3. If you are adding chocolate to the cookies then place a layer of grease proof paper over the flour or the last ingredient you have placed in the jar and then pop the chocolates on top.

4. Write on a label the wet ingredients that the recipient will need, for example: You will need 1 egg, 125g Butter.

5. Tie a piece of ribbon around the jar and then attach the label to that. Decorate the jar in any way you like. I placed two baubles together and tied them to the ribbon.

6. On a small card write out the recipe for the recipient to follow and place it in an envelope.


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