Sunday 19 February 2017

This weeks loves 19.02.

So I still haven't recovered from the cough I had last week and to make matters worse I also got a spot of food poisoning so to say it's been a poo week is an understatement. But between the two I was wined and dined for Valentines Day and I also finished a book in three days, so it wasn't all bad...

How cute is this cushion? This was a Valentines present from Jake and to his credit it is so me! Anyone who knows me, knows that I have a thing for cushions and now I have another one to add to my ever growing collection. Boyfriend points? I think so.

I finished this book in three days and I couldn't put it down. I absolutely loved the story, the characters and the desperation to be free. This is a real page turner and for me to finish a book in three days is pretty rare. I can't wait for the film to come out later this year and to witness the love blossom between Maddy and Olly! 

Anyone who has animals will know that when they look adorable you can't help but gush and take a million pictures of them... Okay, so maybe not a million but a fair few. This is Sonny, our 10 year old Shetland Sheep Dog who enjoys nothing more than to sun bath in the garden. Saturday this week was pretty beaut, the sun was actually warm and I sat in the garden to eat my lunch without a coat on! Sonny just looked adorable and here is the picture to prove it. 

I've been on the lookout for a wire notice board for a while now and I couldn't fathom paying £40 for the one in Urban Outfitters... On a spontaneous trip to Sainsburys with my Mum last weekend I found one for £14!! I say I found one, it was more my beaut of a Mum that found it. I purchased some prints (typical blogger prints of course) and my home office/bedroom is nearly complete.

Till next week when hopefully this cough would of done one! xx

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