Wednesday 8 November 2017

Little House Kitchen Update | Where have I been?

Little House Kitchen Blog

It feels so good to finally sit down and write. It's been a long time since I've posted on here and it's been a long time since I've actually had the time. But, here I am, so hello, I hope you are well?

So where have I been? Well... I started my own baking business! I decided that I had enough of work and wanted out. It wasn't an easy decision let me tell you, and if it wasn't for the fact that I had been ill last Christmas I would still be sat at my desk in a windowless freezing office. I honestly think that having a break down was the gateway to a lot of positive change in my life and in some ways I am grateful that it happened.

Starting a business takes a lot of time and determination. No one tells you how hard it is going to be and doing it on your own is challenging but my mum has been an angel and I've had support from all of my family which has been a God send. I designed and built a new website from scratch which took way longer than I expected! I now know why people pay people to do it! I've built up a customer base which is still growing, I've been doing market stalls to get my name out there and I secured supplying a garden centre with cakes for their cafe. So yes, I have been busy. But it's a good busy and I am so proud of how far I have come in just a few months.

Blogging has taken a back seat but I am back and I have soo many recipes to write up and share (also too many pictures to edit), you'll just have to bear with me whilst I get back into the swing of things.

So here is to the next chapter of Little House Kitchen.


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