Tuesday 6 February 2018

It's been a while...

Little House Kitchen - smiles

I feel I'm late to the party, I would say Happy 2018 but it's February and currently it's snowing and bloody freezing. I know I'm not the only one who thought January felt like an eternity and I'm not wishing the year away but January was a hectic month for me and a little bit of a mind f**k, so I'm relieved it's over. 

If you read my previous post (have a snoop here) then you'll know I started my own baking business last year and it's finally starting to grow. Don't get me wrong I wasn't expecting it to take off over night and I know it takes a lot of hard graft and determination to build it up. But, I say with everything crossed that after six long hard months my diary is starting to fill up! 

And so that's where I've been. Busy baking cupcakes and cakes and I couldn't be happier. Being self-employed has it's benefits but it also has it's draw backs. One major hit in the face is getting a mortgage - this is the mind f**k I was talking about earlier. Most mortgage lenders will only accept one year's worth of accounts in order to lend you money, so when your six months in and wanting to move out, it becomes a problem. The prospect of going back to work full time is one that I am trying to avoid but it is fast becoming a reality. So what do you do when you're stuck in a situation that you'd rather not be in? Just ignore it and hope that it goes away...

I'll be back with recipes soon and more tales of baking business mortgage hell. 


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