Tuesday 3 January 2017

Caramelised Onion & Cheddar Cheese Filo Tart

This tart is a lighter option to a quiche, using filo pastry instead of shortcrust for the base. It offers a crunchy texture which sits well with the sticky caramelised onion chutney. In a bizarre twist of events I had some cheese left over from Christmas which I used in the tart. A strong cheddar is a great accompaniment to the sweet onions, however, if you have some goats cheese or feta lying around then they will work just as well. You want a cheese that has a little tartness to it, that will cut through the chutney.

Caramelised Onion & Cheddar Cheese Filo Tart 

5 x Sheets Ready Made Filo Pastry
30g Butter, melted
250g Caramelised Onion Chutney
5 Large Eggs
100ml Whole Milk
250g Strong Cheddar Cheese, grated
Salt and Pepper to season

Preheat the oven to 160℃.

In a medium sized quiche dish place one sheet of filo pastry over the base. Using a pastry brush, spread some of the melted butter on top of the filo sheet and then place another sheet over the top. Repeat this step until you have used all the sheets of filo.

Spread the caramelised onion chutney evenly over the bottom of the tart.

Whisk the eggs in a large jug. Pour in the milk, salt and pepper and two thirds of the cheese and whisk together.

Pour the egg mixture over the chutney and then sprinkle over the remaining cheese.

Place in the oven for 25 - 30 minutes until the filo pastry is golden brown and the egg mixture has formed a crust.

Best served warm.


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